AC: The Power of Appetite Correction

Thanks to Dr. Bert Herring’ s pioneering guide to safe, effective daily intermittent fasting, The Fast-5 Diet and the Fast-5 Lifestyle, thousands of people all over the world have experienced freedom, power and control over food and appetite. AC: The Power of Appetite Correction builds on the Fast-5 experience, looks at why people overeat and provides 17 non-drug, non-surgical lifestyle tools that really work to reduce appetite.

Appetite correction means:

  • No constant, draining demand for willpower
  • No calorie counting required
  • Exercise is not required
  • No food is off limits

That’s right! With appetite correction, no food is off limits! Even wine is welcome!

It’s normal for your appetite to compel you to eat, but the drive to eat is thrown out of its natural balance by our abnormally food-oriented culture.

Whether food intake is measured through calorie counting, points, or portions, most diets work only briefly to reduce intake. Dr. Bert’s philosophy demands that a diet be comfortable, sustainable and effective for real people with real lives, and he recognizes that a healthy diet and a healthy weight are only the start of a healthy social, playful and active life. The customizable tools in AC: The Power of Appetite Correction can help you find a personal, balanced lifestyle that works with your body to achieve long-term success while you have fun, enjoy rich social times and have plenty of energy for your favorite activities. Find your dietary freedom, power and success in AC: The Power of Appetite Correction.